Urban Redevelopment: Getting to Know and Appreciate Forgotten Corners of the City

On 20 July 2017, at 11:30, following an initiative of Dr. Carlo Francini, Director of UNESCO Office of the Municipality of Florence, Serre Torrigiani will organize a meeting in Piazza dei Tre Re. Participants will talk about “urban redevelopment.” The meeting will serve as an occasion to reflect on how forgotten spaces of the city could regain a new life, and represent a new visit site for tourists- which continue to visit our city in great numbers. These spaces will also become new meeting points outside of the usual zone known to Florentine residents. The debate will focus on the redevelopment of “hidden corners” and, just as suggestive, it will be a substantial opportunity to develop entrepreneurial projects that focus on culture and beauty.

People who will contribute and share their ideas:


  • Simone Bellocci, CEO of Serre Torrigiani
  • Chiara Fanigliulo, Architect, designer of interventions done in Piazza dei Tre Re
  • Carlo Francini, UNESCO Office, Municipality of Florence
  • Mario Curia, from Angeli del Bello Firenze
  • Professor Antonio Capestro, University of Florence, Department of Architecture
  • Lia Pescatori, Architect, Head of Piazza dei Tre Re for the Superintendency of Florence
  • Tomaso Rossi Fioravanti, Architect, President of Fondazione Architetti Firenze
  • Representative of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence


Serre Torrigiani in Piazza Dei Tre Re Firenze, segretaria@serretorrigiani.it
