
Since 2006 the UNESCO Office of the Municipality of Florence has launched and completed numerous projects on the subject of the Historic Centre of Florence, which have been developed and carried forward as a result of the synergy with other public and private Institutions. These projects have been developed through the funding earmarked by Law 77/2006 “Special measures for protection and enjoyment of the Italian sites of cultural, landscape and environmental interest inscribed in the World Heritage List and placed under the protection of UNESCO” of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

(Italiano) Elaborazione del documento preparatorio del Piano di Gestione e Sostenibilità del Sito Firenze Patrimonio Mondiale
(Italiano) L’Ufficio Firenze Patrimonio Mondiale e Rapporti con UNESCO e l’Università di Firenze hanno redatto un documento preparatorio al nuovo...
(Italiano) Verso il nuovo Piano di Gestione e sostenibilità del centro storico di Firenze
(Italiano) All’interno delle attività legate al progetto europeo Atlas World Heritage (AtlaS.WH) finanziato con il programma Atlantic Interreg, l’ufficio Firenze...
(Italiano) Rigenerazione delle piazze minori nel Centro Storico di Firenze
(Italiano) Il progetto propone azioni di rigenerazione delle piazze minori, luoghi poco valorizzati ma con un grande potenziale.
(Italiano) Firenze Patrimonio Mondiale - Museo Diffuso
(Italiano) Un progetto che nasce dall’invito del Centro Patrimonio Mondiale (Advisory Mission 2017) a dare più spazio alla conoscenza in...
(Italiano) Arte a domicilio: attività di valorizzazione digitale
(Italiano) “Scorci Fiorentini” è una proposta elaborata nell’ambito del progetto Arte a domicilio, un dialogo con l’Ufficio Patrimonio Mondiale e rapporti con UNESCO...
(Italiano) Corso di formazione per dirigenti scolastici e insegnanti: cultura e sostenibilità
(Italiano) Il corso, offerto a fine 2018 e riproposto all’inizio del 2020, si offre come un’occasione formativa che suggerisce una...
Florence and the cultural inheritance of its religious heritage
For a sustainable development of the management of monumental complexes of religious interest located in the UNESCO World Heritage site...
(Italiano) Celebrazioni per i 500 anni dalla nascita di Cosimo I e Caterina de' Medici a Firenze
On 13 April 1519, Catherine de’ Medici, the future queen of France, was born. A couple of months later, on June...
(Italiano) Seminari tematici "Florence World Heritage"
(Italiano) Seminari tematici  mirati ad approfondire i processi, gli strumenti e le metodologie di gestione dei siti Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO,...
#Art4GlobalGoals Firenze
#Art4GlobalGoals and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations reinterpreted by the young German artist Leon Löwentraut, on display...
Schema HIA
Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA)
Development of the Preliminary Assessment Model: an ad hoc Heritage Impact Assessment for the Historic Centre of Florence developed by...
Credits by Niccolò Bandini -
AtlaS-WH - Heritage in the Atlantic Area: Sustainability of the Urban World Heritage
With the goal to address common challenges related to the protection of their World Heritage sites (WHS), the cities of...
"Laboratorio San Lorenzo": Participatory Process
(Italiano) Il progetto, svolto tra il 2019 e il 2020, nasce dal desiderio di aprire spazi di dialogo e di...
Hidden Florence: an app to discover series of historical characters set in the historical period of Cosimo I
(Italiano) Hidden Florence è un’App gratuita in lingua inglese che permette all’utente di scoprire la città del rinascimento attraverso gli...
Towers, gates, and fortresses
(Italiano) Nell’estate 2018 il Comune di Firenze in collaborazione con l’Associazione MUS.E ha ampliato la valorizzazione delle torri, delle porte...
(Italiano) Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile #MettiamoManoAlNostroFuturo
(Italiano) In occasione del Festival per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile– giunto alla sua terza edizione e in programma dal 21 maggio...
"Historic Centre of Florence: World Heritage site - Tools for Management". Cycle of meetings on UNESCO and World Heritage themes
The meetings, which will take place from February to June 2019, will aim to develop and increase knowledge around the...
Think Tank, looking at Banksy. Workshop on the objectives of Sustainable Development.
(Italiano) In che modo sono connessi i temi della street art a quelli della sostenibilità ambientale, economica e sociale? Sabato...
Conference "#Managing - Site Manager and World Heritage”
25 January 2018 – Conference “#Managing – Site Manager and World Heritage” on threats and opportunities related to the management...
The Memory of the Great War in Florence
In November 2018, guided tours began to get to know the places linked to the memory of those who fell...
Presentation of the Monitoring of the Management Plan and Application to the UNESCO Creative Cities - Crafts and Folk
On October 4, 2018, Florence presented the Monitoring of the 2016 Management Plan of the Historic Centre of Florence as...
I LaikArt: the Art Camper. Leonardo in Piazza
(Italiano) 10-14 settembre 2018: cinque lezioni di piazza, itineranti, nei quartieri fiorentini. Dopo il successo delle passate edizioni torna a...
Walled Cities, Open Societies - 2nd meeting
Building on the cooperative atmosphere of the Siena event, the Ministry of Culture of Croatia offered to host a second...
Viewpoints and visual axes
The project was conceived with the goal to manage the transformations for sustainable development of the UNESCO Site of Florence,...
Buffer Zone
The objective of the project was the identification of the buffer zone of the UNESCO Site “Historic Centre of Florence”...
Credits by Niccolò Bandini -
Studies on the Carrying Capacity of the Historical Centre
The project aims to set a limit on the tourist-load in the Historical Centre of Florence. It will serve as...
UNESCO/ICOMOS Advisory Mission report
On Monday, 30 October 2017, a press conference was held concerning the results of the UNESCO / ICOMOS Advisory Mission,...
Art Recovery. Protecting Culture
In the context of G7 Culture Summit in Florence the meeting “Art Recovery. Protecting Culture” will be held in Hall of...
Hidden Conservation Revealed: New Media for the Presentation of Architectural Conservation in Florence
A project of documentary films by students from BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg (Germany) with the aim of raising awareness of the value...
HECO (HEritage COlours). Open Data on Architecture for the Historic Centre of Florence.
Integrated system of open data of the architecture of the Historic Centre, is based on recognition of the chromatic language...
International Academy on Sustainable Development - 2016
From 1 to 6 December 2016 the UNESCO Office of City of Florence has participated in the II edition of...
locandina cpavo
CPAVO: Strategy-setting Conference of the Archaeologists of the Near East
On December 16 and 17, 2016 in the Palagio dei Capitani di Parte Guelfa in Florence the Strategy-setting Conference of...
torre umm er rasas
Jordan-Italy Tourism Twinning TW JO/12/ENP/OT/20
Co-operation on cultural policy issues and in fields of mutual interest, including the management of cultural heritage and the development...
foto nicaragua
International Workshop on World Heritage cities
Léon, Nicaragua March 14-16, 2016
Consultation Marathon - community involvement
The “Consultation Marathons” are tools adopted by Florentine administration since 2014. They have the aim to  allow the participation of citizens in the main decisions concerning the city. They are thematic...
Florence for #Unite4Heritage
Initiative in support of the UNESCO social media campaign #Unite4Heritage for the defence of heritage in danger, which is based on...
Florence Heritage
Florence Heritage
The project present both the historical and contemporary image of Florence, trying to combine both the communication and the reaserch...
Archeomedsites is a project within the European ENPI CBCMED Program – Program for the basin of the Mediterranean 2007-2013 aimed...
Schermata 2015-11-29 alle 20.14.07
Firenze perBene
The project has the objective to raise awareness and to spread good behavioural pratices in the fruition of monuments, churches, and...
Destination Florence
Under the Law 77/2006 of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism “Special measures of protection and the...
The Digital Archive and VIrtual Documentation DAVID provides for the creation of a permanent workshop, a place of research, and...
Urban Critical Survey
The project, partially funded by the Ente Cassa di Risparmio of Florence and the Tuscany Regional Council, has been inserted...
Routes of Art
The project Routes of Art is included in the action plan for sustainable tourism of the Management Plan of the...
The Archeological GIS Project of the Historic Centre of Florence
The project “The Digital Map of Archeological Risks of the centre of Florence” has as its goal the creation of...
Spreading the values of Florence
The project is a collaboration between the Department of Culture of the Municipality and the UNESCO Centre of Florence. At...
Historical Shops. Historic and Artistic Routes
Within the EU project RESTAUROnet the Historic Centre Office of UNESCO World Heritage, in collaboration with the Department of Economic...