The “Seminar Internacional de Ciudades Patrimonio Mundial of the Humanity” took place on March 2016 in León (Nicaragua), a town whose Cathedral has been inscribed in the World Heritage List in 2011. It was organized by the Medina NGO, under the project “Estrategìas de gestión sostenible y participada del Centro Histórico de León”, co-funded by the EU. The main partener of the project is Pontedera (Italy), a Tuscan town twinned with León.
It was an important occasion to reflect on how to improve strategies and methods of management of art cities inscribed into the Word Heritage List, , according to UNESCO guidelines. This has the aim of safeguarding UNESCO World Heritage art cities’ singularity and of promoting exchanges between American and European art cities. Indeed, knowing the management best practices experienced by other World Heritage cities can contribute to preserve and enhance our own sites.
The seminar was attended by experts coming from the followings World Heritage cities: Florence (Italy), Antigua Guatemala (Guatemala), Havana (Cuba) and Quito(Ecuador).
During the Workshop the UNESCO Office of the Municipality of Florence presented the management system and the community involvement process related to the UNESCO World Heritage site “Historic Centre of Florence”.