Think Tank – Looking at Bansky
If Banksy’s identity is still shrouded in mystery, his images – ironic, intelligent, daring – they go around the planet inviting adults and children, poor and rich, cultured and humble to reflect on our present and dream of a fairer, more peaceful, more livable future: in short, more sustainable. And if sustainability is the keyword of Agenda 2030 – or rather the agenda that the countries of the United Nations have committed themselves to write, defining 17 objectives for the near future – then the correlation comes spontaneously. These are the premises for which MUS.E with the UNESCO Office of the City of Florence, proposes a workshop to reflect on what puts our world at risk and how everyone can work on it firsthand. On Saturday 16 February, therefore, young people and adults are invited to take part in an activity in which art and sustainability are intertwined more than ever. After an introduction to the themes of Agenda 2030 and a look at the exhibition, participants will be able to highlight the many aspects related to sustainability (social, environmental, economic, ethical) and elaborate in a personal form the images and objectives of a sustainable future. Correlating them to their daily lives and taking home their goals: because “one cannot escape the world in such a good way that through art and one cannot bind oneself more as through art” (Goethe) or the agenda is not only a document of great institutions but “it is an agenda for people, […] an agenda for the planet, our common home” (Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations).
For information and reservations:
Think tank, guardando Banksy. Workshop sul nostro futuro sostenibile
We thank Maria Chiara Pettenati and Isabel de Maurissens for their precious collaboration.
For an in-depth look at Agenda 2030: