The Action Plan
If, on the one hand, the Management Plan embeds a flexible set of operational rules and project ideas capable of incorporating updates and modifications as the environmental and social settings change, the Action Plan is the concrete and effective application of the Management Plan. It identifies the projects to be implemented to support both the conservation of the Outstanding Universal Value of the site and the development of the Historic Centre. The revision of the current Action Plan has been divided into several steps:
STEP I – Analysis of local and international policy documents
As a first step, international and local policy documents were compared, analysing their contents and comparing their objectives and projects. From the analysis of these documents, several similarities and synergies emerged, leading to the identification of Macro Areas, objectives and projects of the Management Plan.
STEP II – Identification and revision of the Macro Areas
Following the analysis of the above-mentioned documents, the Macro Areas have been redefined as follows:
MACRO AREA 1) Governance, institutional and international relations and participation
MACRO AREA 2) Planning, preservation and knowledge of the heritage
MACRO AREA 3) Liveability, commerce and residence in the Historic Centre
MACRO AREA 4) Management of the tourism system
MACRO AREA 5) Environment and climate change
MACRO AREA 6) Mobility system
STEP III – Analysis and selection of the projects containes in the 2018 Monitoring of the Management Plan
The identification of the projects to be included in the Action Plan started from the review of the projects previously reported in the 2018 Monitoring of Management Plan of the Historic Centre of Florence.
STEP IV – Identification of new projects and involvement of different interest groups
The selection of the final projects was characterised by a complex process of involvement: after identifying the interest groups, it was created a database in which over 200 different stakeholders on the territory were mapped, to whom an online form was sent to be filled in with the activities and initiatives considered strategic for the achievement of the Management Plan objectives.
STEP V – Selection of received projects
The selection of project initiatives to be included in the Action Plan was determined by the following criteria:
– Their relevance to the six thematic areas and their respective objectives
– Their concreteness in sustaining and maintaining the Outstanding Universal Value of the site (with respect to the criteria, authenticity and integrity as defined in the Statement of OUV)
– Their relevance to the “5 Cs”
– Their real capacity to respond to critical issues that interfere with the conservation, management and enhancement of the site.
STEP VI – Reprocessing of information and final drafting of the project sheets of the Action Plan
The outcome of this process led to the inclusion of a total of 30 strategic projects to be monitored over time.